Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Privacy, Cloud Supercomputer, Free Privacy and SOPA

Fast compiles? Quote:
I sometimes fear we have lost something as well. Patience, careful consideration, attention to detail, and maybe solid planning.

Interesting notes on the non-existent supercomputer ;-).

Amen! Free is the now expected.......ironic I posted here......

I do think SOPA is a tad draconian. But something should be done. This is simply a "what can happen" comment.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Deep Blue, Privacy and Patents

Interesting. Battle the patent trolls with AI forerunners.

I liked this story for this one quote, if nothing else :-).
"But we’ve still ended up with a mishmash of patterns from Django, Rails, and enterprise Java, all held together by melted licorice jellybeans."

I know, we're not a police state. But this is my disconcerting ear is hearing when discussing privacy and the amount of data out there about me.

Yea, not sure now. Trevor Eckhart's video showed recording of keystroke data. Granted it was key xx log and wasn't "a", "b", "c". But this is a security guy so I'm inclined to listen. So......?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

More XKCD.....

XKCD cartoons.......these are so funny.......yet wrong.......

Cat proximity
Return a random number
Circuit Diagram
We've all done this, admit it....
I bet this is underappreciated....

Friday, December 16, 2011

Apple To Remove Carrier IQ, Java Language Is King, Thai Hard Drives and Cool Web Gaming

Cool. Mouse lock and using game pads.

Apple named in CarrierIQ lawsuit......but at least they are actively getting rid of they say.

Ummmmmm.....not sure I would ever refer to programming anything as "sexy". As cool as it may be, that's a reserved word for me.

This is interesting simply in that it shows that Thailand accounts for 40 - 45% of worldwide hard disk drive production.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Design Tools, Software Design and Gamepads

Free Tools for .Net programmers. Wish I were one!

CSS resources. Cool. Wish I were a web designer.

Interesting. Using a Gamepad with Internet games. Gotta say, cool.

This talks specifically about conveying software design needs, but high level principles are for the taking.

George Hummel wrote Tyranny of the Urgent. This is Tyranny of the Tool. Appropriate and applicable to non-software scenarios, too.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Carrier IQ and Other Spying

Not quite as comfortable as my friends with the Carrier IQ thing.

Quote from Carrier IQ:
“While we look at many aspects of a device’s performance, we are counting and summarizing performance, not recording keystrokes or providing tracking tools.”
Except that it does record keystrokes and apparently collects the map data, too, it sounds like. So I’m not sure I would trust them with my data.
How to remove it:
7 Questions for CarrierIQ
Carrier IQ is a reason you should root your phone? Don’t know about that one.
Just more on Carrier IQ. Nothing earth shattering.
And, if you have Verizon and a few others (RIM, etc.), no worries about Carrier IQ.

And Government-related spying. Kinda wish I hadn’t read this.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011


Interesting note in the "browser wars". Chrome number 2 now.

The water treatment plant pump that was sabotaged by cyber crooks? Not true. Quote:
"Talk about a litmus test for what works and what doesn't work, this has been an utter disaster," Weiss said.

Interesting copyright case. Not sure I agree or not, but interesting....

Talk about security a lot. Verizon's phones fortunately don't do this. Very telling video. About Carrier IQ.

And in other "security" related news, pilotless drones:

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thoughts on potential tech directions...

Why the US tech lead is in danger (it’s based on pursuing Exascale).

And some future news stuff…..
Dart Review. Dart is Google’s potential answer for Javascript. One glaring catch (that will not really be a catch if Dart catches on):

But there may be deeper practical issues. The very simple program that prints "Hello World" is converted into 231,503 lines of code, many of them fairly long. I pushed this code through the built-in optimizer, and the result was still 183K. This overhead, or the ensuing bandwidth bills, will give developers for any popular site a reason to pause.

Very good summary of a version control systems (and why to use them and why you are already using them!).

Neat tutorial/tips:
Cool tips for Excel users.

A big giant list of HTML5 and CSS3 resources.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stuff about programming....

Cool list of top web design books.

20 web design horrors ;-)........

Notes about pursuing programming…..

Very good case study on how to become a programmer. I should listen.

Crass, but I like the core concept. To sum, learn, don’t just copy-paste. But I think the author goes a little far with it (for example, don’t ask if you feel the urge).

Monday, November 28, 2011

Phone and Android stuff......

Cool stuff. Some "why is Androind good" points!

And......the 20 most useful apps (as seen by Jason Hiner)

FUD: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Never heard that before. That concept is rampant among software vendors these days (I agree with the author here). Amazon (for one) is fighting Microsoft back on an apparent FUD campaign on the grounds of prior artwork.

Interesting take on the mobile phone space right now. A “State of the Union”:

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Oops....missed posting yesterday....

I meant to line up a post (and not actually post on Thanksgiving). Didn't happen. Well, here is today's....

Random work and related stuff.....

One take on enterprise trends (things to look out for in the enterprise this next year):

And, along with that, here is a rare positive look at Microsoft products.

This guy has a two folder system. E-mail inbox and the task list. I think he hits a key point with:

"...I've found that the most important feature of any personal workflow management system is not how powerful it is in theory, but how easy it is in practice."

We are not multi-taskers! How to get back on track if you get distracted.

Funny. I'm not a coder, but good thoughts even if I'm not. Stop writing beautiful code and start writing beautiful software. ;-).

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cool computing stuff.....

These are very cool. Future computer ui’s.

I have to agree. But I still don’t use BSD.

Very cool. The beginnings of the usable internet.

I think the ultrabook concept could be a solid tablet alternative……if they get an app engine and hit the battery life targets.

OK, this is just cool…..a single chip reaching supercomputer speeds.

Monday, November 21, 2011

More thoughts on professional stuff (progamming-related)

Great advice for anyone looking to freelance. This is slanted toward programming, but is good practical advice in general.

Very cool thoughts on browser support (and, if you are a professional, charging for it).

Very cool set of web-based utility apps (not that I need it, but the POS app looks really cool).

If I want to learn Linux, here are 12 links to do so. Hmmm….a link to several links. I think there’s a mirror challenge in there.
(and here’s why it’s of interest. Linux is in demand)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Steve Jobs and a couple of related flash posts

Fascinating perspective on Steve Jobs’ barbs about Bill Gates. Very short and worth the quick read.

“…the biography has actually made me think twice about buying anything Apple-branded again.”

Interesting. In the Mac vs. PC discussion, a lone voice crying out for the simplicity of a windows installation ;-). Just a single data point, mind you…..

I found this interesting. For all you flash-haters.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Such bad mojo.....

Mostly, the staggering numbers associated with malware are mentioned. Including a third of all malware detected was created in 2010.

I have to say that yea, this is slightly upsetting. Opting out of being tracked is being made a hassle.

I have an HTC. This is not pleasant to read. Essentially an HTC logger that collects, oh, pretty much everything about your phone use. Sigh.

Yea, this still makes me cringe all the more. Getting our wi-fi data is easy since we give it willingly. Sigh.

I like this….I think. Privacy measures foisted on Facebook and Twitter. But when businesses sign stuff like this it makes me assume it’s not as we think it is. But that’s just me. Or is it That’s just I?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Professional Thoughts

If I were in IT, this might be a little more impactful to me .

Good mention on feature creep. Actually, this is merely a reflection of traditional scope creep that affects all projects (home, work, etc.), but gives a good app-centric slant on the issue.

Some thoughts on career development...

Wish I knew Objective C. But still, teach yourself iPhone app dev.

Dumb joke, but a very succinct tutorial.

I’ve never used these folks, but it’s worthwhile to pass on things like this. Good resource to think about if you’re developing Sharepoint (well, there are other technologies listed on the site, too).

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just plain good info to have.....

Not necessarily related or equally important.....

First, two safety notes:

The internet can be very dangerous. This is a fantastic case study (and, uh, scary).

Very interesting. Robbers posit that social media could be used by their colleagues. Again, kinda scary.

And a couple of tips:

Cool 10 things to know about Windows 7!

In the growing worlds of phones and gadgets we have shrinking talk time, etc. Here’s a good set of Android battery life apps.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just some cool random techie stuff......

Very nice. A computer finds cancer.

Create an app and then translate it to js and css. Pretty cool sounding….

But then....

Cross compatibility compared to native-running app. Interesting data point.

And a few DIY kind of stuff.....

Now this sounds slick. Credit card-sized mother board. A hobbyist’s toy but some nice potential otherwise, too!

If you are into open-source projects (I’m not skilled quite enough), here are some cool sources for you…..

Are you brave, build your own java virtual machine language (jvm).

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

For Crazy Dave......

I think he would appreciate....

For Crazy Dave at Parcom (titles say it all)...

I found this cool just from the understanding of content farms, etc. Another of my pet peeves. I try to make sure and filter those out when I can. I think you should, too 

I think the title says it all. 5 free CMS tools for do-it-yourself Web site builders.

Facebook not too great at detecting spam accounts. Not that anyone else is better, just an interesting tidbit. Now, Dave is great at detecting spam.....

Monday, November 14, 2011

How 'bout a little apple.......

Hmmmmm…..this guy got kicked out of iOS developer program for discovering a security flaw. On the one hand I fathom it, on the other, it makes Apple seem like it’s screaming “STOP POINTING OUT OUR FLAWS!”. A la the late Mr. Jobs.

I really agree with some of his points, but I also agree with some of the commenters (-ors?). He could have waited a few more days to bring it up……..But great points nonetheless……

Well, it’s good that Apple actually admitted a problem. I think this is an early crack in the post Steve Jobs Apple era. Admission of a problem would probably never have come in prior days, just a silent software fix.
[NOTE: There are reports that the iOS 5 patch made things worse, so maybe more to this....]

Very cool link on Apple’s siri and the method of the technology…

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Security, security....and how facebook can get you fired....

Interesting run down of the biggest cyber attacks of all time (of course, some of these are more perspective-based….).

Potentially an invasive piece of legislation. Don’t know what to think, exactly. Lawmakers debating a bill to allow financial cutoff for sites suspected of allowing illegal sharing…..

Think your FB post is personal/private? Maybe. Always consider what you write as potentially discoverable in a legal sense ;-).

Go find if your e-mail address has been hacked……

Really cool graphic on how facebook security really works!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Here’s a note about Facebook privacy. Great things to revisit! If you notice, this is a recurring theme……

Great site. Self explanatory link…..

Pretty cool javascript library to put charts on your page.

In the world of plugin-oriented, platform-independent languages….

I like java since it’s what I’m still learning. This sounds exciting……

Not applicable to me directly, but a good spot on Silverlight…..and it’s a lengthy piece (well, multi-part!)!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

HTML5 and random privacy stuff.....

Some privacy/safety-related stuff:

I like this. How do I protect myself online? A: Pay attention to your surroundings and don’t be stupid. Or, a la Hitchhiker’s Guide, Don’t Panic…….

Have you paid for or used OnStar? Yea, it’s kind of like Supercookies J…….

Some slick HTML5 stuff.....

Very cool presentation of html5 tags!

While not an HTML coder, some cool stuff with HTML5……..

More on HTML5. The canvas tag. Pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cookies, droid development and Tech Skillz 2012.....

I hope to get into ‘droid development soon. Meanwhile I have been taking note of some of the little gems that others have found. This one? Some work-arounds for the troubling parts that this person (Anand?) found:

Right along with that article, here’s some additional items about the (lack of) appeal of Android. Don’t agree with the WP7 thing.

And a note about drafting a mobile strategy. Not that I intend on employing any Android skills I acquire in a professional sense, but it’s always good to go into something with as much info as you can….
BTW, if you don’t have logins for some of these sites (and their content is protected), it’s worth it to get one!

Good fodder to know. Toni Bowers highlights some skills (through their poll) that will be in demand in 2012 (pretty good, I think).

Two more security articles (do you see a trend?). First is how to stop some tracking from going on….

Then more info on SuperCookies (congress is thinking about getting involved!). Mostly just a good cookie monster quote…
[[Edit! forgot the link]]

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Working Stuff......

Very cool article about a guy who applied to work in an Indian call center. Very enlightening.

Nine crafty projects for geeks. Now if I only had a spark of motivation....OH! Rocket powered matchbox cars. Perfect!

Internal Hack-a-thons. If I were in my company's IT department......we probably wouldn't do this ;-). Cool idea and I think it would achieve its said goals!

Some cool HTML5 apps. I'm all for new technology and things that showcase it!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Code Review, Comment Review and Safety Review

Some good thoughts on doing code review. In a nutshell, do it. And think about why you do it.

Some thoughts from TechRepublic

Take a moment before you touch the keyboard and ask yourself:

  • Will what I’m about to say solve the problem I’m having with this person or is it just satisfying my need to lash out?
  • Is what I’m about to type a productive comment or am I just feeding my desire to call someone an idiot and, indirectly, make myself feel superior?
  • Am I addressing the right person about this problem? For example, if an ad feed is messing up a page, the blogger has nothing to do with it. If the website is having a problem, the blogger has nothing to do with it. If there is a typo, there is a way to point it out without calling the blogger’s character into question.

A good set of "please help us make fewer bad decisions" rules. 5 Rules you should know about being online.

And right along with that, supercookies! What are they and how do you get rid of them.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Start With A Little Privacy

Here are a couple of links about Facebook tracking. The gist for me is that using InPrivate (or similar browsing) is now the norm for Facebook (and google).

And for anyone thinking about the new Kindle Fire, here is a consideration. By default it runs all web browsing through their cloud servers. Provides some great benefits but they'll catalog everything you do. And you can turn it off. Just a consideration.

With Apologies To Tim Challies

I so enjoy Tim Challies' blog. I am blatantly thieving his a la Carte style posts. Mostly I am doing this for the sake of cataloging neat links that I have run across......across which I have run....that I found interesting. If you happen across this, please take a few moments to visit Tim's site and take a look at the really great stuff he does day in day out. Then, if you have more time, take a look at the included links here. I can't guarantee that they will remain operational forever, but hey, football doesn't have windshield wipers.

Oh, and yes, mostly for me, but it is "blogspot" hence audience style.