Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thoughts on potential tech directions...

Why the US tech lead is in danger (it’s based on pursuing Exascale).

And some future news stuff…..
Dart Review. Dart is Google’s potential answer for Javascript. One glaring catch (that will not really be a catch if Dart catches on):

But there may be deeper practical issues. The very simple program that prints "Hello World" is converted into 231,503 lines of code, many of them fairly long. I pushed this code through the built-in optimizer, and the result was still 183K. This overhead, or the ensuing bandwidth bills, will give developers for any popular site a reason to pause.

Very good summary of a version control systems (and why to use them and why you are already using them!).

Neat tutorial/tips:
Cool tips for Excel users.

A big giant list of HTML5 and CSS3 resources.

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